There is a new Cake Contest from Kids-Birthday-Party-Guide.com... Here is all the great information regarding the contest from their site...
How You Can Win a New Canon Digital Camera
Read Contest Rules Here...Why You Should Enter the Contest
Awesome Prizes!
Quality family time (baking together)
All cake designs will be posted on this site for the world to see
3 Prize winners will be recognized in our newsletter and their cakes posted in Cake Hall of Fame
Our site is small, so your chance of winning is very good!
Grand Prize: Canon 12.1 MP Digital Camera or $250 Cash.
*2nd Place: $150 Cash or Amazon.com gift certificate of the same value
*3rd Place: $100 Cash or Amazon.com gift certificateContest Rules
The contest is judged on both cake design and cake preparation instructions.
*Very Important:* The how-to-instructions account for 50% of the score. We'd like to ask you to write in detail about how you made the cake step-by-step.
(So, when we post your recipe online, others can follow your instructions with ease.)
The design of your cake and quality of your cake photo account for the remaining 50% of the score. But remember that your cake doesn't have to be or look perfect!
It's ideal that you submit several cake photos. The cake pictures must be your own and cannot be copied from any sources whatsoever!
You can submit up to 3 cakes. The more cakes you submit - the more chances you have of winning!
Deadline for submissions is June 14, 2009 - so act fast!
All rights reserved to original owners.Kids-birthday-party-guide.com & Photo from flickr .com owner Fsumaria